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Pomegranate is one of the important fruit crops commercially grown in Maharashtra. The area under this crop is 77,716 hectares with the production of 4.76 lakh tonnes. The varieties that are grown  commercially includes Ganesh, G-137 and Mridula. The varieties such as Bhagawa and Phule Arakta have been recommended and released respectively for cultivation in the state.

Ganesh Bhagwa
Mridula Phule Arakta


This is a selection from ‘Alandi’ developed by Dr. Cheema at Pune, which has revolutionized cultivation of pomegranate in Maharashtra state. It is a prolific bearer, fruit very large, rind yellowish red, pinkish aril with soft seeds. It is the commercial cultivar of Maharashtra. The average yield ranges from 8-10 kg per tree. This has soft seeds and pinkish flesh with juice of agreeable taste and bears heavily.

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