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Pomegranate is one of the important fruit crops commercially grown in Maharashtra. The area under this crop is 77,716 hectares with the production of 4.76 lakh tonnes. The varieties that are grown  commercially includes Ganesh, G-137 and Mridula. The varieties such as Bhagawa and Phule Arakta have been recommended and released for cultivation in Maharashtra.


Phule Arakta

The ‘Arakta’  variety of pomegranate presently under commercial cultivation in various regions of Maharashtra. Pre-released in the year 1989, It has now been released as ‘Phule Arakta’ for its cultivation by the Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri. 


The ‘Phule Arakta’ variety of pomegranate is heavy yielder and possesses desirable fruit characters. The fruits are bigger in size, sweet with soft seeds, bold red arils. It also possess glossy, attractive, dark red skin. It is less susceptible to fruit spots and thrips. Hence, the ‘Phule Arakta’ variety is released for the cultivation in pomegranate growing areas of Maharashtra. 


Salient features of ‘Phule Arakta’ 


It fetches better market prices which  is two times higher than that of Ganesh. 


It has heavy demand for export and distant markets, particularly in United Kingdom and Gulf countries etc. 


it is attractive and smooth peel increasing its cosmetic value and market appearance of the fruits. 


It is dark red coloured with attractive arils & fruits are suitable for both table and processing purposes. 


It gives high yield ( 30-35 kg/tree ) in case of better management. 


Fruits are ready for harvesting within 120-135 days (Early variety)

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